Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Module 10

What is a wiki?

"A wiki is a website that allows the easy creation and editing of any number of interlinked web pages via a web browser."

What is a ning?

"Ning is an online platform for people to create their own social networks."

I can see the value of both of these tools in a school the student would enjoy using wikis. Our school uses wikis as part of the intranet. Our teachers are members of the Southern Region ESL Ning. I don't have a need for wikis as I am working as support staff in the office. If there was to be a need for wikis and nings in the office I'm sure I would love to be a member.

I'm really really happy to have reached module 10 and will proceed with the reflection of this wonderful, exciting and challenging Web 2.0 course.

1 comment:

  1. Wow Janette!!
    I've just been reading through your blog and I am so impressed with the great job you have done! I love your pics and colourful words!!
    I agree with you that Web 2.0 has been wonderful, exciting and challenging!!
